Antelope Island State Park

2024 Bison Roundup

Roundup (Bison Push): October 26, 2024
Working of the Bison: October 29 – 31, 2024
Online Bison Auction: November 6, 2024

Range Ride Information and Registration

Viewer Information

ANTELOPE ISLAND STATE PARK – Hosted each year at Antelope Island State Park, the Bison Roundup is a primary tool utilized to help ensure the continued health of one of the nation’s largest and oldest public bison herds. To help people better understand how the bison herd is managed, you can visit Antelope Island State Park the day of the event and experience it first-hand.

Registration is not required for the viewing public. Come witness a true Western experience as hundreds of horseback riders round up nearly 700 bison from around the Island and move them north into the holding corrals. Riders begin at 9:00 am from Fielding Garr Ranch and move the herd north. Visitors can watch this event from the east side road, as well as witnessing the final push into the corrals from a viewing area at White Rock Bay. At the viewing area in White Rock Bay, there will be food for purchase (cash only), educational information and activities. Bring a camp chair or blanket for seating. Typically in the past the Roundup is completed between noon and 3:00 pm but these are wild animals and we can’t predict how long the roundup will take.  

Click here to see information and a map of the viewing areas and the typical roundup route.

A young bison on Antelope Island

A young bison on Antelope Island

What happens at the Roundup?

There are two phases to the Bison Roundup. The first phase, which will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024, is where horse riders round up and push the smaller groups of bison into one large herd. The riders then drive the bison into a holding corral where they rest for about a week. This rest period helps reduce the animals’ stress levels and allows them to relax, making them more cooperative during the second phase. Public riders are welcome to assist in this phase. Individuals interested in riding can get more information  here.

This first phase is a popular event every year and attendees include both local spectators and visitors from around the world.

The second phase begins the week following the roundup, October 29-31, 2024. During the Working of the Bison, the animals are sorted and separated one at a time to receive their vaccinations. They receive individual health screenings that include checks for pregnancies, parasites, and health issues.

The bison are also given a small RFID tag,  which serves as a permanent ID and links them to their computer records that store their health information. Once the bison are checked, they are either released back onto the island or kept in the corral where they are later sold in a public auction. Free public tours and media opportunities are available all three days of this phase.

Bison Roundup on Antelope Island

Bison Roundup on Antelope Island

Why are some bison sold at auction?

The manageable herd size for bison on the island is between around 500-550 bison, and each year there are between 100-200 calves born into the herd.  With no natural predators on the island capable of taking down a bison, it is necessary to artificially reduce the herd size to balance out the food supply.

It is also important to remember that there are other animals – such as pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and mule deer – which also need to be considered when looking at the island’s overall food supply.

By selling excess bison at a public auction, park staff are able to keep the herd within a number the habitat can support. Ideally, the plan calls for a herd size of about 550 bison.

A portion of the revenue generated through the bison sale is used in the Wildlife and Habitat Management Program for habitat work and bison infrastructure improvement. 

The Auction will take place on November 6, 2024. This will be an online auction.

Information on participating in the 2024 Auction and 2023 sale prices are posted below:

(Coming Soon)