Frequently Asked Questions
Rules and Regulations:
Special Events (Special Use Permits): Events or activities outside normal park operations, or for which commercial gain is expected (e.g. races, guided tours, fundraising events, weddings, photography workshops, commercial filming, product filming or photography, etc.) require a Special Use Permit. There is a $10 application fee. Additional fees vary by event. Liability insurance may be required.
- Letter and Information about Participant Events
- General Special Use Permit Application
- Portraiture Photography Pass will be issued in lieu of Special Use Permits for portraiture only.
Return application or submit questions to Assistant Park Manager Brock James at
Collecting: Everything in the park is protected by law. Removal of any natural or cultural resource is prohibited (R651-620-2).
Dogs: Dogs are allowed in most areas of the park, but must be physically controlled on a six-foot leash. Pet owners are responsible for picking up and properly disposing of all fecal matter. All animals are prohibited from public buildings except for service dogs as authorized by Section 26-30-2 (R651-603). See Service Animals below.
Drones: Drones are prohibited at Antelope Island State Park from March – November. Drones are allowed by permit only from December – February. Day-of permits are available from the park visitor center during open hours. Please contact for more information.
Fires: Unless there is a fire restriction, fires are allowed in designated campgrounds only. Fires must be completely extinguished when not in use. Leaving a fire unattended is prohibited. Fires are not allowed on any beach (R651-613), in Ladyfinger Campground, or in the Backcountry Campsites.
Fremont Island: Information about Fremont Island and how to access it can be found on the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands website.
Geocaching: The placing of geocaches within Antelope Island State Park is currently allowed following some established rules, guidelines and outlined closed areas. It is important for those wishing to place geocaches to read and follow our General Guidelines for Placing Geocaches at Antelope Island State Park, in addition to the guidelines.
Hang Gliders: The launching or landing of gliders, hot-air balloons, hang gliders, and other devices designed to carry persons or objects through the air in powerless flight is prohibited except by Special Use Permit (R651-602-3). See Special Events below.
Horses: Horses are allowed on designated trails (R651-603-7). Horses are not permitted on the beach Bridger Bay.
Lost and Found: If you think you have lost something at Antelope Island State Park, please contact the park with a description. We hold lost items for 90 days, and then discard them if unclaimed. If you find a lost item, please turn it in to either the visitor center or the entrance booth. To contact the visitor center, call 801-725-9263. To contact the entrance booth, call 801-773-2941.
Metal Detecting: Metal detecting is allowed by permit only (R651-620-6).
Off-Highway Vehicle Use: Off-highway vehicles are not permitted on park roads or trails (R651-411).
Photography: Professional and amateur photographers/videographers are encouraged to respect the health and safety of wildlife, the protection of natural resources, and their own safety. Approaching any animal can be dangerous to you and stressful to the animal. Feeding, touching, teasing, or intentionally disturbing any wildlife is prohibited except as approved for authorized hunting (R651-603-5). Disturbing is any activity that causes the animal to change their behavior.
- Professional photoshoots and workshops require a Special Use Permit found below under Special Events.
- Portrait photography requires a Portrait Photography Pass.
Restricted Animals: Due to the sensitive nature and risk of spreading disease to wildlife, domestic farm animals (with the exception of horses) are strictly prohibited from the park. This includes goats, domestic sheep, llamas, and alpacas.
Service Animals: Service animals are allowed in public buildings and on beaches. Federal regulations state that a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits or to promote emotional well-being are not service animals. The dog’s presence cannot fundamentally alter the nature of the services, facilities, privileges or advantages offered by the park.
Natural Resources and Recreation:
Bison Roundup: The Annual Bison Roundup takes place each fall. Visitors are welcome to watch this exciting event, which includes the Push and the Working.
- Push: Horse riders move the bison from throughout the island and drive them northward to the holding corrals. Once in the corrals, they rest for two days. This resting period reduces animal stress, allows the bison to settle down, and makes them more cooperative during the handling phase.
- Working: The bison are sorted through a series of pens and chutes, and eventually filed into the final squeeze chute. One by one, bison are weighed and vaccinated for parasites, clostridium, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, and bovine vibriosis. Blood samples are collected, and each animal receives a small external computer chip to track its health history. Females are checked for pregnancy and calves are given vaccinations for brucellosis. Excess bison (generally around 200 each year) are sold at a public auction to keep the herd within the carrying capacity of the island.
Camping: Overnight camping is provided year-round in designated campsites. Dispersed camping is not permitted. Reservations are recommended on weekends and holidays.
Concessions and Services:
- Island Buffalo Grill: The grill serves buffalo burgers, hamburgers, grilled cheese, fries, and more. (801) 897-3452
- Antelope E-Bikes: Enjoy guided tours on electric bikes. Hourly rentals are also available. (801) 317-8549
Horses: Horses are allowed on designated trails only. Hitching rails are provided at White Rock Bay Trail Head, Mountainview Trail Head, and at Fielding Garr Ranch. Horses must stay within 50-100 feet of the trail but follow the trail route. Water troughs are not provided.
Insects: During warm months, insects are present on the island, and emerge at different times.
- Biting gnats (no-see-ums) emerge in the spring (April – June). Insect repellent is ineffective against the gnats; fine mesh head nets are recommended.
- Midges are non-biting and form columns along the causeway and near the marina throughout the summer. They are a vital food source for birds.
- Mosquitoes are present throughout the summer. Insect repellent is effective.
- Brine Flies emerge during mid-summer and cover the shorelines. These non-biting flies are harmless and move out of the way when approached. They are a vital food source for birds.
Oolitic Sand: The unique sand found around Great Salt Lake is a product of the high mineral content of the water. Calcium carbonate collects concentrically around a nucleus and forms small, round sand particles.
Road and Mountain Biking: Most non-motorized trails are open to mountain biking. A variety of trails provide opportunities for mountain bikers of all abilities. Road bikes are allowed on all paved roads of the park. Road bikers should use caution, as there are no designated bike lanes and shoulders are small or non-existent. The Davis County Causeway is a great place for road bikes and has a large designated bike lane.
Swimming in the Lake: Swimming or floating in the lake is allowed. The best place to experience the lake’s highly saline waters is Bridger Bay Beach. Restrooms and showers are available.
What’s That Smell? Great Salt Lake supports several types of bacteria whose byproduct is rotten-egg-smelling hydrogen sulfide. As bacteria work to decompose organic matter, hydrogen sulfide is expelled and emits an unpleasant smell. The worst of it is along the Davis County Causeway. Once you reach the island, the smell disappears.
Where Did the Park Get its Name? In 1843, John C. Fremont mapped the topography of Great Salt Lake and its islands. Fremont returned in 1845, and during that trip, his party successfully hunted pronghorn (antelope) on the island. In gratitude for the meat it supplied, Fremont named the island “Antelope Island”.
Wildlife: Mammals and birds on the island are sensitive to human disturbance. Please respect the health and safety of wildlife by maintaining a respectful distance. Approaching any animal can be dangerous to the individual and stressful to the animal. Feeding, touching, teasing, molesting, or intentionally disturbing any wildlife is prohibited except as approved for authorized hunting (R651-603-5). Disturbing is any activity which causes the animal to change their behavior.
Wildlife, especially bison, may be dangerous. Do not approach bison for any reason.