Interpretive Programs and Special Events
Roadside Discovery
Stop and say “hi” whenever you see our Roadside Discovery banner throughout the park. We’re checking out often overlooked creatures and features of Antelope Island.
2025 Events
April 2025
April 12
Owl Prowl
Park Headquarters 9:00am
Meet at park headquarters for a caravan tour through our different owl habitats. Spotting scopes will be available. Binoculars are recommended.
There is no fee for this program – regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impact: None
April 14 & 15
Open Access Shed Antler Hunt
The 2025 Shed Hunt Lottery registration is now closed. This event will be held on two (2) days hosting 100 hunters per day. Monday, April 14th will be held on the east side of the Island and Tuesday, April 15th will be on the west side.
Lottery registration closed at 11:59pm on Thursday, March 20. If picked, you will be informed via the email you supply–please be sure your email is correct when registering.
Good luck and happy hunting!
April 19
OAS Public Star Party
6:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 5:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
May 2025
May 31
OAS Public Star Party
6:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 5:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
June 2025
June 21
OAS Public Star Party
7:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 6:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
July 2025
July 12
11:00 am Buffalo Point Deck
UMFA in the Wild: Antelope Island State Park | Origami Nature Scavenger Hunt
Join the UMFA in Utah’s amazing wilderness to experience nature and make art.
What objects can you find in landscape? Create your own nature scavenger hunt using an origami “fortune teller” to play with a friend. Supplies are provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact or with any questions.
Park Impacts: None
August 2025
August 16
OAS Public Star Party
6:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 5:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
September 2025
September 6
11:00 am Buffalo Point Deck
UMFA in the Wild: Antelope Island State Park | Ori Torn Paper Landscapes
Join the UMFA in Utah’s amazing wilderness to experience nature and make art.
Be inspired by the iconic colorful landscapes of Utah through an artist’s eye. Then try your hand at your own landscape using torn paper and colored pencils. Supplies are provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact or with any questions.
Park Impacts: None
September 27
OAS Public Star Party
5:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 4:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
October 2025
Kick off to Spooky Season!
Fielding Garr Ranch
Date and time TBD
Come in costume, play games of old, enjoy a treat (while supplies last). We’re guiding mini ghost tours and telling stories and reports of those who lived here and those who may not have left.
There is no additional fee for this activity, regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Increased traffic at Fielding Garr Ranch
October 18
OAS Public Star Party
5:00PM White Rock Bay Event Area
Join volunteers from Ogden Astronomical Society for an evening of gazing into the cosmos. Starting at 6:00 we’ll begin by viewing our star, the sun; safely through filtered telescopes. Once the sun sets, equipment will be switched out for dark sky viewing of planets, nebulae, star clusters, and even far-away galaxies. Telescopes will be provided. There is no fee for this event. Regular park entry fees apply. Contact with any questions.
Park Impacts: Road closures and changes in traffic patterns beginning at 4:00pm in the area around White Rock Bay. Follow signs to event parking.
October TBD
2025 Annual Bison Roundup
Spectators, come and watch over 200 riders on horseback round up the island’s 750 bison during the annual bison roundup. The roundup is an important part of the bison and island management.
Park Impacts: Increased traffic on roadways. All trails but Buffalo Point, Ladyfinger Point and Lakeside Loop will be closed.
Roundup Watch Party / Exposition
Join us in White Rock Bay starting at 10:00 am to watch the team of riders make the final push leading bison into the corrals. We’ll have food, games and fun activities for families. Bring cash – some vendors may not be able to accept credit.
Vendors and community partners, and anyone with questions should contact
Date TBD
Working of the Bison
Join us at the bison corrals for an up-close (and safe) opportunity to see bison, and learn how and why they are managed.
Educators and group organizers: Group tours must be scheduled in advance and cannot be guaranteed otherwise. Contact for more information.
Park Impacts: None
*Come back often for updates on more events and activities.
2026 Events
January 1
First Day Hike
Information TBD. Contact with any questions.