Sand Hollow Special Use Permits
If you’re planning an event or activity in the park that goes beyond regular use, you’ll need a Special Use Permit. This includes things like:
- Commercial activities
- Athletic events
- Music events
- OHV events
- Bouncy houses
- Large gatherings
- Filming
- Religious ceremonies
- Fishing tournaments
- RV trailer drop offs
- And more
How to Apply:
- Submit a Special Use Permit application at least 60 days before your event.
- Email your application and any maps or documents explaining your event to
- Depending on your event, you may need to complete additional forms.
After you apply, the Park Manager will review your application. If approved, you’ll need to pay the Special Use Permit fee of $50. Additional fees may apply, depending on the type or size of your event and its impact on the park.
Before You Apply:
Please check our park events to see what events are already scheduled.