General Geology of Gunlock State Park

General Geology of Gunlock State Park

Navajo Sandstone:

The oldest rock formation in Gunlock State Park is the Navajo Sandstone. This formation dates
back to the Lower Jurassic period, approximately 190 million years ago. During the Lower
Jurassic, Gunlock State Park was a part a massive sand dune sea called an erg, more specifically
the Navajo erg. The landscape would have looked much like the Sahara desert, with few oases
which would have provided essential water to the inhabitants of the Navajo erg.

Fossils are generally rare within the Navajo Sandstone, with the majority of fossil types being
trace fossils like fossil trackways. Fossil trackways belonging to early dinosaurs and other
prehistoric life have been found in other areas of the Navajo Sandstone throughout southern
Utah, but none have been identified within Gunlock State Park.

Carmel Formation:

Another rock formation within Gunlock State Park is the Carmel Formation. These rocks date
back to the Middle Jurassic period, approximately 170-165 million years ago. Contrasting to the
arid, dry environment surrounding the reservoir today, Gunlock State Park was once covered in a
shallow sea environment. Within the park occurs a series of rock layers that display transgressive
and regressive ocean level episodes. Periods of transgression occur when sea level rises within
an area, while regression occurs when sea level drops in an area. Depending on the water depth,
a different type of rock will be deposited. As water level increases, rock types deposited will
shift from sandstone to shale, then shale to limestone as sea level gets deeper. This series of
changing rock layers is how geologists have understood the sea level shifts within Gunlock State
Park during the Middle Jurassic.

The rocks of the Carmel Formation are primarily made from limestone, a rock type that is
formed from the remains of countless small fossils. The fossil types preserved within the Carmel
Formation vary, allowing paleontologists to better understand many types of organisms within
the ancient shallow sea. One common fossil belongs to crinoids, the ancestors to modern sea
lilies. Crinoids are made of a series of “columnals”, which stack like pancakes in order to
provide crinoids with the structure they need. When crinoids died, their structure would fall apart
and numerous columnals would be deposited in the surrounding area. These columnal deposits
can be quite extensive, contributing to the most common fossils within the Carmel Formation.

Other fossils from the Carmel Formation include gastropods, which are a group of organisms
that include snails and slugs. The shells of gastropods can occur in some areas of the Carmel,
even alongside crinoid columnals. Another example of Carmel fossils includes fossil clams,
known as bivalves. Unique to the Carmel within Gunlock State Park are what are known as
ostreoliths, or more commonly “oyster balls”. These oyster balls are formed from layers of
bivalve shells which clump together. Oyster balls form from oyster larvae latching onto other
oysters, thought to be a survival strategy. When these clumps are flipped by ocean currents,
oyster larvae continue to cling to the other side of the clump, thus creating an oyster ball.

The diversity of fossils within the Carmel Formation makes it the most fossil-rich within Gunlock
State Park.