Lake Powell’s Quagga situation is an immense threat to all Utah waters and protection is the top priority at Quail Creek State Park.
Currently, Quail Creek State Park does not offer decontamination services within the park. However, Sand Hollow State Park, approximately 6 miles down the road, does provide this service, free of charge. Lake Powell will provide some education/information at their boat ramps but do not always decontamite watercraft exiting the park. Watercraft entering Utah from the St. George Gorge must stop at the boat inspection station. If decontamination is required, they have personnel to provide the service to all watercraft.
Watercraft going between Quail Creek, Sand Hollow, and Gunlock do not require a decontamination. Clean tags are no longer used. If you have questions or require further information, please contact Quail Creek State Park at 435-879-2378.
ALL watercraft, visiting from out-of-state or last visiting Lake Powell, that have compartments that hold any type of water (balastic tanks, sea strainers, etc…) within the vessel will be automatically sent to Sand Hollow State Park for decontamination. Contact Sand Hollow State Park at 435-680-0715 for hours of decontamination.
DRY TIMES: All complex boats are required to follow a 30 day time or go through a decon washing service.
PLEASE REMEMBER: When traveling from one location to another, all watercraft must have the drain plug pulled per Utah state law. Thank you for cooperation and support in keeping our waters Quagga free.