Lost Creek State Park

Current Conditions

Last Update: March 21, 2025

Day-Use: Open

Surface: Capped, 10+ inches of ice. 6′ of soft to nearly nonexistent edges with abrupt ledge onto solid ice.

Launch Ramp: Closed Learn more about other Utah State Parks boat ramp conditions HERE.  

Water Temp:  32 degrees

Water Level: 73%

Fishing Conditions:  Moderate to slow.

Restrooms: New vault restrooms are available at the park.

Ice Safety: Ice is Never 100% Safe! — Do not judge ice safety on thickness alone. Ice does not form or maintain a uniform thickness. Snow, wind, slush, temperature, and other factors can cause ice thickness and strength to vary greatly, even within inches. Recreate on ice at your own risk and verify ice thickness as you head out. Click here to learn more ice safety tips.