Utah State Parks Blog

Kick Off 2018 With First Day Hikes, New Full-Moon Hike

Antelope Island State Park

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah State Parks is kicking off 2018 with another installment of our annual First Day Hikes on New Years Day.

This year we are hosting hikes at four different state parks: Antelope Island State Park, Dead Horse Point State Park, Great Salt Lake State Park, and Territorial Statehouse State Park Museum.

Each hike begins at different times, so please ensure you check all your information is correct before heading to the hike meet-up location.


Dead Horse Point State Park

This year, we are especially excited for the Full Moon Hike along the Silver Sands Beach Trail at Great Salt Lake State Park.

The sun will set at 5:11 p.m. followed by the full moon rising at 5:12 p.m. Come see the Great Salt Lake like you never have before.

All participants should check temperature and weather conditions before heading out and wear the appropriate gear.

If the weather is severe, participants should plan on checking individual park websites and Facebook pages for notice of cancellation before heading out. Remember to wear appropriate shoes, and bring plenty of water and snacks.

Regular park entrance fees apply.

Antelope Island State Park

Meet up at 2 p.m. at the Lakeside Trailhead in White Rock Bay. This is an easy-to-moderate 2.5-mile hike. Here you’ll find stunning views of the Great Salt Lake and wildlife. You could see roaming bison, pronghorn deer, raptors, and more!

For more information contact Park Naturalist Charity Owens at charityowens@utah.gov. 

Dead Horse Point State Park

Meet at the Dead Horse Point State Park Visitor Center at 9 a.m. One this extraordinary hike along the Bighorn Overlook Trail, you’ll see absolutely beautiful views of massive sandstone cliffs rising 2,000 feet from the Colorado River below. Well-behaved dogs are also welcome on this hike as long as they are kept on a leash.

For more information contact Park Naturalist Scott Chandler at sdchandler@utah.gov. 

Great Salt Lake State Park

Join us for this FULL MOON HIKE! The sun will set over the Great Salt Lake at 5:11 p.m. and the full moon will rise over mountains at 5:12 p.m. at the start of this unique and beautiful hike along the Silver Sands Beach Trail. So come and be on time to enjoy the full experience. Meet up at the Visitor Center parking lot at 5 p.m. The sun will be down, so dress appropriately.

For more information contact Assistant Manager James Wells at jameswells@utah.gov.

Territorial Statehouse State Park Museum

Join Museum Curator Carl Aldrich at 1 p.m. for a hike down the bumpy trail to Utah Statehood. This easy hike will take you to historic sites around Fillmore, the first capitol of Utah, including a guided tour of the Territorial Statehouse museum. Along the way, we will discuss why it took almost 50 years for Utah to become a state while territories all around us were quickly realizing that dream–and the role Fillmore played in the process. Everyone is invited to return to the Territorial Statehouse in their finest apparel the following Saturday evening as we celebrate the 122nd anniversary of Utah’s statehood with a pioneer dance. Meet at the Museum’s flagpole.  

For more infomation contact Museum Curator Carl Aldrich at caldrich@utah.gov.

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