Utah State Parks Blog

Check Out Our October Events

It’s that time of year again! The temperature is dropping, the leaves are changing, and goblins, ghosts and ghouls will soon be the norm.

With so many possibilities and fun things happening around Utah this October, we’ve decided to give you a list of our favorite Utah State Park activities you can check out this month.

bison_side_profile_5The Antelope Island Bison Roundup – Oct. 22. 

Starting at 9 a.m., the 2016 Bison Roundup is bringing with it some exciting new updates. Metal bleachers, food, and music sound good to you? Come watch cowboys and cowgirls drive hundreds of buffalo  to the corral, You won’t want to miss this popular tradition fun for the whole family. Check it out!

Check Out the 2016 Roundup!

Dogs-and-people-running5K Dog Run at Yuba State Park – Oct. 15

Few things are better for a dog-lover than spending some quality time with their furry family member. Yuba State Park feels the same way, and to help keep you and your dog outside and active, they are hosting their 2nd Annual Dog Run.

Learn More About the Yuba Dog Walk!

zombie-walk-flyerZombie Walk Festival at East Canyon – Oct. 22

East Canyon State Park is proud to present our first ever Zombie walk.  Dress up and walk as the hungry zombies spawn and attempt to walk with you on the path of the dead.  There will be activities for children to enjoy. Don’t forget to year your costumes! RSVP on our Facebook Page.

RSVP for the Zombie Walk Festival!

image_1Pumpkin Walk at Willard Bay – All Month! 

Come for a stroll through the pumpkin walk for some traditional autumn sights like jack-0-lanterns and scarecrows. Continue on for more scary sights such as zombies, ghouls, gravesites, and a large evil looking hand protruding from the ground.

Check Out the Pumpkin Walk & Lights!

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