Utah State Parks Partners with Arrive Outdoors to Offer Outdoor Gear Rentals
The partnership will increase access to the outdoors by providing access to rentable gear, allowing visitors to save up to 90% off retail with delivery directly to your door.
SALT LAKE CITY (June 3, 2020 ) — Today, the Utah Division of Parks and Recreation announces a new partnership with Arrive Outdoors, an outdoor travel company that provides equipment for hiking, backpacking, camping, winter recreation, and other outdoor activities.
Offerings from Arrive Outdoors include tents, coolers, sleeping bags, cookware, and camp furniture — all of which can be reserved for free and conveniently delivered to your home, hotel, or any FedEx shipping center. Arrive Outdoors offers the flexibility of renting complete sets or gear a la carte, such as a two-person tent available for rent as low as $4 per-day.
“People prefer to spend money on experiences and many want to make the sustainable and economical choice to rent gear, rather than buying expensive products they will only use sporadically,” Rachelle Snyder, Arrive Outdoors CEO and Co-Founder, said. “Whether you are a solo traveler, or planning a trip for the family, we’re thrilled to be able to provide convenient and affordable access to high-quality gear for Utah State Parks’ visitors.”
This partnership is an exciting one, Utah State Parks Public Affairs Coordinator Eugene Swalberg said. One that fulfills a need in the growing outdoor recreation community.
“Arrive Outdoor allows opportunities for recreators that they may not have knew they needed before,” Swalberg said. “Instead of hoping you find gear rentals from a business in your city, or one in the area you are planning to explore, you can now ensure you have the gear you want in-hand before you even step out the door.”
Arrive Outdoors offers flexibility with free gear reservations and the ability to change or cancel your order anytime before your order ships. Get what you need delivered directly to your home, hotel, or even 10,000+ FedEx or FedEx affiliate locations. At the end of your trip, place the items back in your box, adhere the free return label, and drop off at any FedEx location.
Arrive Outdoors has implemented extensive health and safety measures in light of COVID-19. The company thoroughly hand-cleans and treats all rental gear with CDC recommended cleaning solutions. For example, tents are washed, treated and line-dried before the next rental. All apparel is commercially laundered and treated with laundry additives to fight viruses.
The partnership between Utah State Parks and Arrive Outdoors is a representation of how the outdoor industry can support a sustainable access model that fits the experience-driven consumers’ lifestyle and invites everyone into the outdoors.
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