Utah State Parks Blog

The U.S. Forest Service Wants To Hear From You

(From the U.S. Forest Service) — The Manti-La Sal National Forest is providing a 10-Day Review Period on the Draft Wilderness Inventory Maps from 4/17/2017 – 4/27/2017.

The purpose of this comment period is to collect public input on the Wilderness Inventory, the first of four phases of the Wilderness Evaluation process, which is being completed concurrently with Forest Plan Revision.

The inventory step is meant to be broad and inclusive and to identify lands that may have wilderness characteristics.  A more detailed review regarding wilderness characteristics will occur later in the process during the evaluation step.  The Draft Inventory is not a recommendation for Wilderness designation.

To provide comments, review maps, or learn more about the Wilderness Evaluation process, visit the plan revision website at https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/mantilasal/landmanagement/planning and click on the Wilderness link.

On-line comments can be submitted through a variety of ways

Manti-La Sal National Forest – 599 West Price River Dr., Suite A, Price, UT 84501

Thank you for your review and feedback.


Forest Plan Revision Team
Forest Service
Manti-La Sal National Forest

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