Utah ATV Association Continues To Put In Work

Utah ATV Association & Volunteers
Our wonderful friends over at the Utah ATV Association are back at it again – having just built and installed a new information kiosk at Five Mile Pass.
The group traveled to Tooele County on July 23 where they showcased their skills and dedication to their group by working in the sun with other volunteers for 9 hours in order to get the job done.
This is a notable amount of time to spend on such a project, especially over a holiday weekend.
The kiosk features three panels featuring information about the “Tread Lightly!” principals as well as the importance of riding on designated routs.

Utah ATV Association & Volunteers
Information about wildlife facts and the history of Five Mile Pass are also featured on the kiosk, as well as a map of the Prospector OHV Backway Complex Trail System.
The UAA is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization founded in 1985. The group’s mission is to help preserve riders’ access to National Forests, State Parks, and BLM lands.
They plan recreation events and are always seeking out opportunities to promote trail riding as a legitimate and respectable activity for individuals and families of all ages.
Members participate in group rides every month; as well as camp-outs, pot luck dinners, ATV rodeos and even picnics.
For more information, and to sign up for their newsletter, check out their website!

Kiosk built by the Utah ATV Association & Volunteers

Utah ATV Association

Utah ATV Association & Volunteers
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