Utah State Parks Blog

State Parks employees recognized at DNR awards ceremony

Three Utah State Parks Employees were recognized for their outstanding work Monday at the 2015 Annual Department of Natural Resources Awards Ceremony.

The DNR recognized Eugene Swalberg, Tim Smith and Tiffany Swaner at the event, and each were given a certificate emblazoned with the many reasons they were rewarded.

TimEditTim Smith; Executive Director’s Award

As Utah State Park’s southeast region manager, Tim Smith leads by example and is willing to support park staff in any capacity. He can be found working in the parks most holiday weekends – whether taht be collecting entrance fees at park gates, or emptying trash cans and cleaning restrooms. His example motivates staff to accomplish goals and exceed expectations.

His leadership style works. Tim’s parks all show positive trends in reducing costs and increasing revenue, which continues to help the Division work closer towards self-sufficiency. Several parks also lead the state in visitation and revenue growth, which is due in large part to his great example. His vision of the future and positive attitude inspire out-of-the-box thinking to grow and enhance the Utah State Parks system, like possible state park expansions amenity improvements.

His problem-solving philosophy and positive can-do attitude are two of the many reasons Tim Smith was awarded the Executive Director’s Award.

EugeneEdit1Eugene Swalberg; Community Outreach Award 

As Utah State Park’s public affairs coordinator, Eugene was given instruction to find unique ways and opportunities to engage media statewide and to successfully tell the Division’s story. Despite having little media relations experience, he hit the ground running and has never looked back.

While sharing smiles and laughs along the way, Eugene’s efforts have resulted in more media coverage for the Division, heightened awareness for individual parks and events, and better relationships with our state and county tourism partners and media personalities.

As a result, his outreach efforts have been instrumental in the Division’s current growth and will continue to provide tremendous benefits into the future.

Eugene Swalberg’s commitment to community and dedication to building relationships with local media outlets, leadership and personalities is paramount to his ability to foster and enhance partnerships with other organizations. Thanks for the smiles Eugene, and congratulations on the Community Outreach Award.

IMG_2979Tiffany Swaner; Employee of the Year Award 

As the Division’s construction financial analyst, Tiffany never limits her professional contribution to her own job description. She is a go-to person for many individuals within the division when they need something done and they need it done quickly. Tiffany is creative in identifying problems and devising workable and cost effective solutions.

Her attention to detail regularly saves Utah State Parks tens of thousands of dollars every year as she reviews and tracks billings and insurance costs. Additionally, as the Division’s Risk Management coordinator, Tiffany has worked tirelessly to reduce the Division’s insurance premiums by about $150,000.

Her hard work, team commitment and individual tenacity have been noticed by many and have significantly contributed to the growth and success of Utah State Parks. Thank you for all your hard work Tiffany.






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